Injustice and oppression of Somali women - Dream Smart


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Injustice and oppression of Somali women

Women should not live in fear of rape and Women should take their rights and not live this way 

Rape and other forms of sexual violence they are an integral part of a variety of human rights violations being committed by various groups

Actors in Somalia. The list of perpetrators of these violations includes elements Belong to government forces, armed opposition groups, militias, and others.The military observers mission was accused As well as private individuals. As a rein dependent

The African Union in Somalia (AMISOM) has also committed rape. And the perpetrators commit Their crimes with impunity in conditions of lack of rule of law caused by Decades of absence of a de facto central government, which allowed actors to come under the banner of the state And others are not affiliated with it, and interest groups can extend their control and exercise their influence.

Although the security situation has improved to some extent in parts of the capital, Mogadishu and elsewhere in the main towns, insecurity continues to prevail in most of the country.

Women and girls face the risk of sexual violence and do not have access to asylum Justice is only on a very limited scale in the absence of the rule of law. And for most Rape survivors who spoke with Amnesty International did not report

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