Saturday, October 17, 2020

Hawiye clan rises up against the Marihan clan

What Marihan clan did was an insult to all Somalis and this made the Hawiyyah clan object


The Hawiyyah clan is rebelling against the Marihan clan because of a speech in support of President Farmajo. The story of the Hawiyyah clan is being exploited against President Farmajo. 

President Farmajo humiliated and humiliated the Somali people for a long time and was ruthless and spread terror in the country and enabled Al-Shabaab movement from Somalia, and this is what made the Hawiyyah tribe anger against the Marihan tribe.

The position of the Marihan tribe was a mistake because Farmajo does not deserve any apology or appreciation after he devastated Somalia and did all this with her, and the Hawiye tribe must remain in its opinion and not support the terrorist Farmajo

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