Monday, October 5, 2020

Erdogan and Farmajo and their continuing misfortunes

 A fight between Somali and Libyan soldiers at a Turkish base, killing 25 soldiers

 A quarrel between Somali and Libyan soldiers, who are undergoing training at a military base in the Turkish city of Isparta

caused a state of chaos that resulted in the killing of 25 soldier

TR724 said that a quarrel broke out between Libyan and Somali soldiers who are being trained at the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorism Training Center in Sparta

causing chaos in the Turkish training camp, as the quarrel began with the stabbing of a Somali soldier to the last Libyan, leading to a clash of about 300-400 soldiers. According to allegations, about 25 soldiers were killed.

All that happened to the Somali youth is due to Fermago's stupidity 

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