Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Somali must save itself from Qatar

The suspicious role of Qatari intervention in Somalia and the spread of terrorism

Qatar is trying to determine the outcome of the elections, and Farmajo succeeds because having Farmajo is in his interest

Qatar’s interest stems only from its endeavor to ensure Farmajo’s presence as the country's president, whether through direct elections or in coordination with the states to select him through their representatives in the People's Assembly

After the failure of Farmajo, and behind him his ally Qatar, to persuade the states to the popular elections and postponing the elections, the survival of Farmajo in his position as president of the country became threatened, and commented on the satisfaction of the representatives of the states in the People's Assembly

which means threatening Qatar’s interests as well, which linked it to the person of Farmajo, no With the state's institutions, and it is compelled to search for an alternative that the states agree to and that fulfills their interests


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