Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The reason behind creating the media platform Qatar

 Qatar has created a media platform on Facebook to determine the election result after many attempts to do that

Qatar's efforts in Somalia to influence the elections , Qatar is trying to control Somalia in every possible way

I think Qatar is trying to control the elections through the youth movement , And this way with the media platform

The former head of Somali intelligence, Abdullah Muhammad Ali "Sunbulsha", warned of the possibility that the terrorist group Al-Shabab "Al-Qaeda" is plotting to influence the upcoming elections in Somalia. After conducting an analysis of the media propaganda issued by the group, we glimpse Sanbulsha's view.

Qatar tries to control with the all ways 


Somali must save itself from Qatar

The suspicious role of Qatari intervention in Somalia and the spread of terrorism

Qatar is trying to determine the outcome of the elections, and Farmajo succeeds because having Farmajo is in his interest

Qatar’s interest stems only from its endeavor to ensure Farmajo’s presence as the country's president, whether through direct elections or in coordination with the states to select him through their representatives in the People's Assembly

After the failure of Farmajo, and behind him his ally Qatar, to persuade the states to the popular elections and postponing the elections, the survival of Farmajo in his position as president of the country became threatened, and commented on the satisfaction of the representatives of the states in the People's Assembly

which means threatening Qatar’s interests as well, which linked it to the person of Farmajo, no With the state's institutions, and it is compelled to search for an alternative that the states agree to and that fulfills their interests


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Continous trying for Qatar to intervene in Somali affairs

Qatar is trying to interfere in the affairs of Somalia, and whoever helps it in that is Farmajo. It is in Qatar’s interest to keep Farmajo in power.


The risks of Qatari interventions in Somalia, calling for the necessity to stop this Gulf intervention, and that Somalia must save itself from Qatar.

 Somalis, whether at home or abroad, were optimistic when Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo was elected president in February 2017, believing that he is an outspoken and reformist man

But after 40 months of his rule, this vision has changed, and Somalia is now in a much worse state than it was before he took office, as Security deteriorated, the economy collapsed, and national institutions were paralyzed

Somalia's problems stem largely from the alliance that Farmajo made with Qatar, and the pernicious influence that the Gulf state exerts on every aspect of Somali politics and diplomacy. 

Indeed, the Somalis are now talking about how Qatar's desire to wage a proxy war against other regional powers shapes politics. Somali Foreign Affairs.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Fahd Yassin is Qatar's man in Somalia

 The reason behind Fahd Yasin assuming the position of head of Somali intelligence is Qatar, because it ordered his appointment to become its eye in Somalia


Global Terrorist Ties with Fahd:
Fahad Yasin is an alleged member, close associate and facilitator for Al-Shabaab
Fahad traveled to Yemen in the 1990s and attended Iman University, a school attended by members of al-Qa’ida, al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula and other extremist groups
Fahad travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1990s with former Al-Itihad Al-Islam leaders.
Finally :-
Fahd Yassin the former Chief of Staff of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Current the Commander of National Intelligence and Security Agency.

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Fahd Yasin is in trouble due to discovering the corruption he does in Somalia

    Journalist Fahd Yassin, from a correspondent for Al-Jazeera in Mogadishu, to a general director of Somali spy chief.

    Fahad Yassin became the head of Somali Intelligence, days after the Qatari delegation headed by Mohammed Abdulrahman Al Thani, Deputy Foreign Minister, visited Mogadishu. Experts and analysts described Fahd Yassin as Qatar's man in the Somali government.
    The Somali President, Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo, had issued a decree appointing the director of the presidential palace, Fahd Yassin, as deputy chief of intelligence 

    after only 12 months, Fahd Yassin became the strong man in the Somali intelligence service.

    A source revealed to "Al-Ittihad" that the promotion of the former Al-Jazeera reporter to become head of the intelligence service came because of Doha's support for Yassin with the regime to assume this sovereign position


    Fermago is in trouble due to lossing the confidence of his people in him

    History will record that Farmajo is the weakest president in the history of Somalia

    Farmajo has failed in all respects over the past four years, and because of his great failure in Somalia, he has lost the confidence of his people,and no one will elect him again.

    From Farmajo's crimes in Somalia:-

    Support Al-Shabab in Somalia with instructions and support from Tamim

    Tamim, President of Qatar, was allowed to interfere in Somali affairs

     Turkey and Qatar were allowed to take youth and children and train them to fight in Libya
    Spreading all kinds of corruption in Somalia and nothing left that did not destroy it


    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Farmajo's attempts to stay in power are continuing

    With greater use of local resources and trips to Turkey , Thus Farmajo lured state governors to obtain their support.

    The issue of elections still represents a major dilemma for the stability and development of Somalia, after the disagreements between Somali President Farmajo and state heads.

    So Farmajo promise them many promises to support him in the elections because he knows well that no one will support him because his popularity decreased

    Farmajo has no choice except doing that because he is in trouble, and Tamim, the president of Qatar, will surely help him stay in power.

    But the presence of Farmajo in power will destroy Somalia after its corruption and spread of terrorism and killing and the alliance with Tamim, the president of Qatar, to destroy Somalia




    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    ‏Farmajo held a secret meeting with the governors of Jubaland

    Farmajo did not find a more appropriate way to deal with the state rulers, except to conclude a secret, mutual-interests agreement through which he could obtain the necessary support to remain in power, and in return they would obtain financial privileges and greater powers in their regions.

    To obtain support in the elections,Farmajo held a secret meeting with Jopaland and pontland rulers,he showered them with bribes in search of his interest.

    The most corrupted presidents among the presidents of Somalia,Farmajo seeks to abort the gains of the Somali people,Obviously, he was able to win the rulers of Jubaland and Puntland through bribes and concessions to his side.

    Why is Qatar Present in Somalia?

    Facts suggest that Qatar seeks to control Somalia because it is one of the important States in the Horn of Africa. It is characterized by its strategic location in this region which has a direct effect on the global trade movement because it overlooks many international waterways, such as the Indian Ocean, Bab al-Mandab Strait, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

    Qatari intervention in Somalia started shortly after the fall of Siad Barre’s regime in an attempt to control the country. Recently, suspicious roles for Qatar appeared in that failed State, in an attempt to gain a foothold in the Horn of Africa region. This is proved by what have been circulated regarding accusing Qatar of funding al-Shabab group, through the top Qatari terrorist financer, Abdul-Rahman al-Nuaimi, who is accused of sending $250,000 to al-Shabab in 2012, according to the US Treasury report.

    Furthermore, leaked documents that appeared on WikiLeaks noted that the former US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, had asked Turkey in 2009 to pressure Qatar to stop funding al-Shabab. According to the document, Rice said that the funding was conducted by transferring money to Somalia through Eretria. The same accusation was echoed by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the then-president of the Transitional Government, who said in a meeting with US diplomats in Libya that Qatar’s government provides financial support to al-Shabab group.

    Qatar’s subversive roles didn’t stop at supporting and financing al-Shabab, but they moved further to the attempt of creating more terrorist movements in Somalia. The Somali SunaTimes revealed in January 2018 that a secret meeting was held in Turkey with the participation of Qatari and Iranian intelligence officers, representatives of Hezbollah, and Fahad Yasin, the chief of staff of Somalia Presidential Palace, who is known to be close to the Qatari regime and the Muslim Brotherhood’s god father, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, to create a terrorist group in Somalia.

    The Somali newspaper said that foreign intelligence agencies detected that meeting and informed foreign diplomats of the details of the meeting, during which Fahad Yasin was tasked with “political destabilization” of local governments in some Somali provinces that oppose the Qatari regime.

    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Farmaajo, the Machiavellian Politician

    Farmaajo was an unlikely candidate for the prime minister position in 2010, but pure luck, nepotism and myopic clan dynamics landed him in the position. Since Farmaajo was ousted from the premiership, some people mistakenly saw him as an unlikely hero who could stand up to the failed political elite and those with vested interest in keeping Somalia down.

    Despite the fact that Farmaajo was, at best, a political neophyte, who had no charisma or eloquent oratory skills, he captured the public imagination as a potential leader.

    The now President of the Federal Republic of Somalia Mohamed Farmaajo has become more elusive than ever before, he reached a secret agreement with state governors of Jubaland and Puntland to obtain there full support in the forthcoming elections.

    In return they are given more privileges in terms of internal control over the states as well as financial assistance.

    President Farmaajo is doing whatever it takes to win this forthcoming election, even if it is at the expense of Somalia and Somalians.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    Secret Deal Between Farmajo,Madobi and Deni

    Several provincial leaders and members of parliament in Somalia have accused President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's government of intent to delay the 2020/21 elections in the country.

    Some of the members say the government has been seeking their support in a plan to delay the elections and threatening to replace them if they fail to cooperate.

    sources say that president Farmaajo held closed-door talks with Leaders of Puntland and Jubbaland seeking their full support in the upcoming elections in exchange of further competencies in the rule of their states. The two leaders were also promised of increased financial resources and dispatching Somali youngsters for military training and study in Turkey.

    Suspicions regarding the government's 2020/21 election strategy have grown in recent days, with leading political figures in the country, including former presidents, openly accusing President Farmajo of planning to hold on to power after his term ends.

    Monday, September 21, 2020

    Farmajo's Malignant Ambitions

    President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo appointed Mohamed Hussein Roble as prime minister on 17 September to replace Hassan Ali Khaire, who was impeached by parliament on 25 July after a fall out with the president over planning for the upcoming national elections.

    Opposition politicians and other government critics in Somalia have many times decried the appointment of Roble as Somalia's new prime minister due to his ties with al-Shapap movement. According to reports, Roble was coordinating terrorist acts for the movement. 

    The country's main opposition parties swiftly denounced the appointment of Mr. Roble. They accused president Farmajo of collaborating with the new prime minister on term extension, calling on him to resign. 

    The newly named prime minister has always been close to president Faramajo. Both worked together in plundering Somalia's wealth, added the reports. Roble was carefully selected to serve Farmajo’s malicious political ambitions, as well as Qatar's agenda in the horn of Africa. 

    Somalia’s politics are worryingly bleak. Its power elite is divided over what appears to be the regime’s efforts to frustrate the upcoming elections primarily to push for a term extension. 


    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    MCC Established for the Security of Somalia

    Initially created in 2013 by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) as a three-person unit tasked with establishing coordination between the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and U.S. forces in the country, the United States’ Military Coordination Cell (MCC) plays an oversized role in leading the international community’s efforts to enhance security in Somalia.

    the MCC saw its mission expand following 2017’s London Conference on Somalia when then-U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis agreed that the U.S. would lead the Comprehensive Approach to Security Strand 2A (CAS 2A).Strand 2A specifically refers to the Federal Government of Somalia's Ministry of Defense and the Somali National Armed Forces.

    As of September 2020 the MCC includes the Military Assistance Group – Somalia (MAG-S), Office of Security Cooperation (OSC), and two British officers seconded from Operation Tangham, the U.K. mission in Somalia. 

    “MAG-S is the piece that reports directly to Joint Special Operations Task Force – Somalia (JSOTF-SOM)," said U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jason Looper, MCC plans officer (as of September 2020). "The capacity and institutional building piece, for which the OSC and our two U.K. officers play a major role, is vital to the future of Somalia transition.” 

    As the MCC grew from three personnel to approximately 20, Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) has become the major force provider in support of the positions that were not included in the original AFRICOM execute order establishing the cell. The increased number of personnel has proven critical in maintaining the relationships and responsibilities that the MCC has taken-on, and has enhanced AFRICOM’s desired effects in Somalia while providing support to AMISOM, the SNA, and the multitude of international partners operating in the East African nation.

    That lack of a formal coalition is what makes the working environment “interesting and challenging,” according to Looper. “Everyone comes together and coordinates their respective efforts in order to advance Somalia toward sustained security."

    While there is no set agreement to aid one another, the various international forces work toward a common goal and support one another when planning conflicts arise. 

    “When our planning sessions identify critical needs, many international partners deliver specific equipment and training programs to fill those needs,” Looper said. “Being able to create consensus on priorities for stabilization and have international partners step up to execute different parts of that plan in concert is critical to success in Somalia.”

    “Effective coordination is essential for Somalia to achieve its strategic reform objectives while also fighting in the field against al-Shabaab,” said Truesdale, adding that the MCC works in conjunction with the various international partners to coordinate closely with senior personnel from the Somali National Army SNA Forces and senior federal security officials.

    Sunday, September 13, 2020

    Nepotism and Tribalism Decide Somalia Election

    Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, the president of the Federal Government of Somalia, is facing accusations of nepotism. Currently the power of Somali political associations in the Federal Member States are mainly based on clan affiliations and/or clan constituencies.

    Wadajir Party Leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has accused President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and his administration of clan-based discrimination, seeking to revive his plans for term extension by corruption and clan nepotism and replacing professionals with clan members that represent the President.

    Lately, most government appointments were driven by issues of political loyalty and patronage. The party leader accused the President, first vice-president of the People's Assembly, acting prime minister and head of the intelligence agency of exercising nepotism, favoring members of loyal clans in public office and law enforcement positions.

    Such interference by the Federal Government amounts to cronyism and abuse of authority and undermines the very essence of separation of power, said Warsame. He condemned what he described as abuse of power and discrimination among citizens which he said was a shame for the president and other officials, noting that it was injustice that caused the collapse of the old military government.

    In a Facebook post, Warsame said that he received complaints from officers and staff belonging to tribes living in Mogadishu. Some of them were dismissed from office, others were suspended in a discriminatory expression against their tribal affiliation.

    Analysts have warned against this alarming trend by which the administration removes professionals in key public positions which could reverse the hard-earned recovery of Somalia's state institutions.

    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    Somalia President Pushes for Agreement over 2020/21 Elections

    Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has invited the leaders of the five regional states in the country and the governor of Banadir region for talks on 10 September in the capital, Mogadishu.

    According to the communications director of the Somali Presidency, Abdinur, the meeting will discuss the electoral process and is aimed at finalizing the Dusamareb 3 agreement between the federal government, leaders of the three regional states of Galmudug, Hirshabelle and South West, in addition to the governor of Banadir region in Dusamareb, capital of Galmudug state, mid last month.

    The presidents of Jubbaland and Puntland regional states, who boycotted the Dusamareb 3 Conference and rejected its outcome, are currently in Mogadishu and are expected to raise their reservations in the upcoming meeting.

    Meanwhile, the three presidents of South West, Hirshabelle and Galmudug states are expected to hold talks in Baidoa, the interim capital of South West state ahead of the Mogadishu meeting with President Farmajo.

    Hirshabelle president Mohamed Abdi Waare has already arrived in Baidoa while his Galmudug counterpart, Ahmed Abdi Kariye aka Qoor Qoor, is expected to reach the town in the next few hours.

    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Farmaajo Chose the Wrong Path

    All of a sudden, when the electoral commission in Somalia began counting the votes, things started to look disastrous for both the incumbent president, Hassan Sheikh and former president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who were the front-runners in the eyes of the public, it became apparent that the underdog, Mohamed Abdullahi (Farmaajo) was doing better than many expected.

    Out of nowhere and frankly against all odds, Farmaajo slowly but steadily became a serious challenger to the incumbent president Hassan Sh. Mohamud, coming in second in the first round. Farmaajo managed to keep the momentum in the second round, running away with the lead, and in the process defeating the incumbent president. The sound of celebration over took the murmur of speculation! Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmaajo) became the president of the federal government of Somalia.

    The Somali people home and abroad cheered and applauded their new president, a popular politician in the eyes of the people, they had high hopes of him, celebrating him as “the saviour of the nation” in a heroic move, both president Hassan and president Sharif stood behind the new president and pledged their unconditional support for his presidency.

    President Farmaajo and his team, instead of taking advantage of the public support coming up with policies and initiatives to advance the development of the nation, to bring both security and political stability, they choose the wrong path, a path of dictatorship, oppression, undermining the rule of law, and in the process making lots of new enemies many of whom were their supporters in the initial days.

    President Farmaajo and his team didn’t stop there, they began to terrorize anyone who disagreed with them, raiding the homes of politicians, killing innocent people, including SNA personnel, prohibiting free press, turning NISA (National Intelligence Service) into a cartel, undermining the Somali system of government, the federal system, disregarding the separation of powers, destroying the authority of the parliament, and the judiciary system.

    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Farmajo Will Go But Somalia Remains

    Somalia's President Farmajo is currently campaigning to control the Federal State of Somalia to execute his evil plans against the people he considers 'enemies' who participated in the removal of his mentor Mohamed Siyad Barre. Farmajo financed his vote rigging campaign by distributing $1 million to regional parliamentarians.

    The international community is providing support to Somalia including the African Forces (AMISOM) who are fighting Shabab to support Somalia restructure its financial sector. The world has done remarkable job in supporting Somalia, unfortunately the hate-based policies of Farmajo could trigger clannism which could send the country back to civil war.

    However, there are international actors like tiny Arab country of Qatar and Turkey who have interest in Somalia's oil. These two countries support Farmajo despite his unrealistic and disturbing policies. Turkey and Qatar must know that Farmajo will go but Somalia remains, and the Somalians are watching very closely who is using their country for gaining control over the oil reserves in the country.

    The decision of the UN Security Council to continue weapons embargo on Somalia was very wise and will save many lives, particularly that Somalia Army are not yet disciplined, and weapons could end up at the hand of Shabab. The world needs to reassess the situation in Somalia by considering the facts on the ground.

    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Farmajo's Rule Tears Somalia Apart

    After 30 years of dictatorship and civil war, the Somali people pulled off a qualified consensus on forming a new state that is different from the obliterated one. The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia is vested with the awesome responsibility and authority to steer the formation of the new state. Successive elected presidents strived to some extent to fulfill their awesome responsibilities with the exception of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo who has striven to tear Somalia apart for good.

    According to a Somalia Human Rights Status in 2019 released by the US state department during the era of the Farmajo Presidency, significant human rights abuses in Somalia in include: extrajudicial killings of civilians by federal government forces, clan militias, al-Shabaab, and unknown assailants; arbitrary and politically motivated arrest and detentions, including of journalists by federal government forces and regional government forces; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; political prisoners; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; the worst forms of restrictions on free expression, the press, and internet, including violence, threats of violence, and unjustified arrests and prosecutions of journalists, censorship, site blocking, and the existence of criminal libel laws; numerous acts of corruption.

    This revenge and subversion tactics are processes by which the Somali government has trampled, reversed, and contradicted the values and principles believed in by the Somali people in an attempt to transform the constitutionally established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms into personal rule that is above the law.

    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Farmaajo Tricks Somalia's Election

    Former Director of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), has expressed concern on the lack of commitment by President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo in ensuring a peaceful transition in the country. Also, he has called for the leaders of the Federal Member States to stick to their decision on the importance of holding a timely election in Somalia.

    Last week, the leaders of Somali regional states insisted that that they will not accept any term extension for the Federal Government following the end of the current tenure.

    The ex-NISA chief has blamed that president Farmajo is not loyal to the goals of the conference in Dhusamareb. He said the mere solution to keep the country stable and afford unnecessary escalation is holding election in every four years.

    "The president continues to play tricking games as he tries to seek excuses. That must not happen," Sanbalolshe said "Farmajo believes that his 2017 election was the end of Somalia's democracy. He wants to have his presidency extended under the pretext of preventing vacuum and preparing one-person -one-vote polls which is not a realistic theory of today."

    He added that at the moment there is no possibility of going to one-person one-vote polls as the term-end approaches. He said the current administration has been slow to achieve the requirement for an inclusive electoral model, according to an interview.

    Meanwhile, in a response to a question about what compelled him to criticise President Farmajo and the current intelligence director, Fahad Yassin Dahir in a recent article, Sanbalolshe reiterated the menace brought by illegal merger between NISA and the country's political bureaucracy. He even called Fahad to be the 'owner of the Farmajo administration'.

    Sanbaloshe, a two-time director of the National Intelligence Service (NISA), has been a vocal critic of President Farmajo's government in recent years.

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Somali Proxies in Libya

    The violations of the Turkish regime and the dispatch of Syrian mercenaries in Libya, had already been revealed by many local and international reports. However, a Pentagon’s report revealed that Turkey sent between 3,500 and 3,800 Somali fighters to Libya.

    The Turkish move represented an international embarrassment for Ankara by its American ally at a time of increasing international calls rejecting Turkish interference in Libya. Some have argued this report prompted Akar’s visit to Doha and his meeting with the Qatari Emir. It could actually be that the report caused a shift in the Turkish view on the use of Syrians in the Libyan war and their replacement with Somalis.

    The analysis of some stems from the fact that Turkey may try to use mercenaries from other nationalities in Libya, and that the Turkish Defense Minister’s visit is related to this matter since Doha has always been a base for the training of Somalis and a starting point to distributing such fighters across conflict regions in the Middle East.

    Last August, a published report revealed that a number of Somali intelligence officers were undergoing training in Doha, in what some considered to be a Qatari interference within the security services of countries in the Horn of Africa so as to exploit them within the Qatari spheres of influence in various areas of Africa and the Middle East.

    According to a Libya Review source, Turkey is now weighing up other options, which may include sending a number of Somali officers to support the GNA in Libya.