Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sowing Tensions in Somalia


Qatar and Turkey found in Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo a willingness to rebel against the principles of peace. On the other hand, Farmajo was ready to make major concessions to be close to Doha and Ankara. Some political circles fear that the coordination between Farmajo and Erdogan will lead to an increase in tensions inside Somalia and undermine reconciliation with Somaliland. 

It seems that Doha and Ankara have played on this chord and convinced the Somalian leader that his popularity could be multiplied with the high level of cooperation and coordination with them. 

Farmajo did not realise that this trend would lead his downfall, especially with the extremist movement Shabab destroying many security and military institutions. Shabab has become something like a state within the state, or in other words a parallel state, with its own political orientation, military and judicial apparatus. The extremist movement has re-emerged after receiving various types of support from both Turkey and Qatar.

Sowing tensions in Somalia with the help of Ankara and Doha threatens to strike stability not only in Somalia but in the entire Horn of Africa.

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