Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Agency cancels 2,500 mobile phone numbers linked to activity and desire to contact online boards

Agency cancels 2,500 mobile phone numbers linked to activity and desire to contact online boards

The National Intelligence and Security Agency has canceled more than 2,500 mobile phone numbers and suspended 20 WhatsApp groups with the aim of disrupting terrorist networks and preventing the spread of extremism across the country.

The agency noted that the suspended WhatsApp groups were identified as platforms used by the armed group to spread its propaganda, harass civilians, and engage in illegal activities such as extortion.

It added that, by targeting these communication channels, it seeks to limit the influence of terrorist elements inside Somalia and undermine its operational capabilities.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud described the ideological war as one of the main battles to fight Al-Shabaab, as the spread of extremist ideologies poses a major threat to peace and stability in the region, which necessitates taking proactive measures to confront its activities.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

An Al-Shabaab soldier was killed in the mountains with forces near Baidoa

An Al-Shabaab soldier was killed in the mountains with forces near Baidoa

Reports from Baidoa, the capital of Bay Province and the temporary headquarters of South West State, indicated fierce clashes between state forces and Al-Shabaab fighters on the outskirts of the city.

The clashes came after the fighters launched an attack on a base housing regional forces near the city of Baidoa, resulting in the death of a number of movement members, according to a statement issued by the state.

The city of Baidoa, the capital of Bay Region, is located about 250 kilometers southwest of Mogadishu, and its security is protected by Ethiopian forces affiliated with the African Union Mission in Somalia.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Somali pirates kidnap a Sri Lankan boet

Somali pirates kidnap a Sri Lankan boet

Somali pirates have hijacked a Sri Lankan fishing vessel, with a crew of six on board, the Sri Lanka Fisheries Department said.

Susantha Qahwata, Director General of the Department of Fisheries and Water Resources, told the media that the boat was hijacked in the Arabian Sea, 1,160 nautical miles from the Sri Lankan maritime border.

He added that the Sri Lankan authorities do not have any contact with the ship, and that the information they obtained was obtained from other nearby ships, explaining that the Sri Lankan government is taking steps to ensure the release of the kidnapped fishermen.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Somaliland denies reports about allegations that a ship was targeted on its way to the port of Berbera

Somaliland denies reports about allegations that a ship was targeted on its way to the port of Berbera


The Somaliland administration denied press reports about allegations that Houthi rebels targeted a ship that was on its way to the port of Berbera.

According to the separatist administration, the ship owned by Trafigura, which was targeted by the Houthis, was transporting fuel from Russia to Singapore, stressing that the ship’s itinerary was not linked to Somaliland.

Somaliland expressed great concerns about the escalating threats facing maritime traffic in the Red Sea and urged the international community to cooperate in protecting vital trade routes.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

New air strikes target Al-Shabaab sites in the Galgadud region

New air strikes target Al-Shabaab sites in the Galgadud region

Media reports reported that new air strikes targeted Al-Shabaab sites in the town of “Galhariri” in the “Galgadud” region of Galmudug state, located in central Somalia.

A government statement indicated that this joint operation aims to destroy the strongholds of the terrorist organization and stop its evil activities in the region.

The statement stated that this raid, which is considered the second of its kind within 4 days, confirms the continued determination of the Somali government and its allies to confront the threat posed by Al-Shabaab, but it did not provide further details about the losses resulting from it.

The Somali government recently announced the killing of 25 Al-Shabaab fighters as a result of an air strike in the town of Galhariri in Galgadud province.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

25 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in an air strike in central Somalia

25 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in an air strike in central Somalia

25 members of the Al-Shabaab movement were killed in an air strike in the town of “Galhariri” in the “Galgadud” region of Galmudug state in the center of the country, according to government officials.

The air strike targeted a house where leaders and members of the Al-Shabaab militia were meeting, a radio station, and a garage to prepare explosives.

The air strike, which was carried out in coordination with Somali intelligence, came hours after an attack launched by Al-Shabaab in the early hours of yesterday on positions of the Somali army and militias loyal to it in the Aad area in Mudug Governorate.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

A surprise attack by Al-Shabaab on Somali forces in Mudug Governorate

A surprise attack by Al-Shabaab on Somali forces in Mudug Governorate

Reports received from the Mudug region of Galmudug state in central Somalia indicated that Al-Shabaab movement launched a major attack on Wednesday morning on a military base in the Aad area of ​​Mudug governorate.

Reports added that the attack began with a suicide operation, followed by violent confrontations between Al-Shabaab fighters and government forces supported by local militias, resulting in deaths on
both sides.

A statement issued by the Somali government stated that the allied forces responded to an attack launched by Al-Shabaab militants on a military base in the Aad region, without revealing the human losses resulting from the attack

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

4 young men were killed by tribal militias in central Somalia

4 young men were killed by tribal militias in central Somalia

At least four young men were killed by tribal militias in a village located 20 kilometers from the city of Dosmarib, the administrative capital of Galmudug state.

Eyewitnesses reported that Galmudug state security forces arrived at the scene in search of the perpetrators responsible for the murders, but they did not succeed in arresting the criminals.

Over the past few months, incidents related to tribal revenge operations have occurred in the central regions of the country.

In December last year, Holy Quran teacher Liban Hassan Othman and his brother, Dr. Ahmed Hassan Othman, were killed in an attack by tribal militias on an area near Dosmarib.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Puntland state announces tightening security measures in the city of Bosaso

Puntland state announces tightening security measures in the city of Bosaso

The Puntland regional government announced a military operation to clear the city of Bosaso of terrorist elements working to destabilize the city's security and tighten security measures there.

The Security Development Committee in Burri Province said, following an emergency meeting it held regarding the security situation in Bosaso, that a military operation would be launched to achieve security stability after the security problems witnessed in the commercial capital of Puntland.

Speaking to the media, security officials indicated that the security situation in Bosaso would be dealt with as soon as possible and called on the people to cooperate with the security forces.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Government forces operating in Bay County

Government forces operating in Bay County

Federal government forces, especially the 8th Battalion of the 60th Division of the National Army, carried out planned operations against Al-Shabaab fighters in areas belonging to Bay region in the southwestern state of Somalia.

The commander of the 8th Battalion of the 60th Army Division indicated that the forces targeted recruitment centers for new fighters who wish to join the Al-Shabaab movement.

The Somali National Army is currently supporting the local population in most areas of the country with military operations aimed at eradicating the movement.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

7 terrorist militias were killed, including leaders in southeastern Somalia

7 terrorist militia members, including leaders, were killed in a planned military operation in Middle Shabelle Governorate, southeastern Somalia.

The Somali News Agency (SONA) reported on Saturday that the military operation carried out by the forces of the Somali National Security and Intelligence Services in cooperation with international partners took place in the “Fido” area of ​​the city of Mahday in Middle Shabelle Governorate.

She added that among the leaders killed in the military operation was the official in charge of surprise attacks by the militias in Middle Shabelle Governorate, Abdul Rahman Tiri, the leader Maad, who also works in the surprise attacks department, and the leader Abdul Razzaq Musa Khalif, who holds the position of deputy responsible for collecting funds and looting citizens’ property.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Michael, a backup plane in the “Ail Bardi” plane crash

Michael, a backup plane in the “Ail Bardi” plane crash

A pilot was killed and his co-pilot was injured as a result of a relief plane crash today, Thursday, at the airport in the town of “Ail Bardi” in Bakool District, southwestern Somalia.

According to reports, the plane coming from Mogadishu deviated from the runway and collided with residential buildings, killing the pilot and wounding his co-pilot.

There has been no official comment yet from the Somali authorities on the plane crash, which had 4 people on board.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The state of Puntland deploys scientists to its coasts to confront the pirate sector

The state of Puntland deploys scientists to its coasts to confront the pirate sector

The state of Puntland in northeastern Somalia deployed its naval forces to its coast to confront pirate attacks that have returned again in the state.

The forces are stationed in the coastal areas of Puntland, from which pirates launch their attacks on ships off the Somali coast.

The leaders of those forces indicated that they had reached an agreement with the tribal sultans that would allow them to target those associated with piracy, and they stated that the naval forces would take the coast of the “Garaad” region as their main base to monitor the coasts of Puntland and maintain its security.

Piracy acts have declined significantly since 2012 after the deployment of international forces to the Somali coast, but in recent weeks these acts have returned to the coast of Puntland, which witnessed a number of pirate attacks on ships, which made the state authorities, which were preoccupied with the elections, now turn to confronting them. the problem.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

An employee near the Mogadishu mayor's office was targeted by a suicide attack

An employee near the Mogadishu mayor's office was targeted by a suicide attack

Somali police confirmed that a suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded restaurant near the Mogadishu mayor's office on Tuesday afternoon

According to a statement issued by the police, a man wearing an explosive vest targeted a restaurant near the mayor's office in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, killing three people and wounding two others.

The mayor's office is located about one and a half kilometers from the presidential palace in Mogadishu, in an area subject to heavy security guarding.

Monday, January 15, 2024

A traffic accident kills 10 people in the Somali region of Ethiopia

A traffic accident kills 10 people in the Somali region of Ethiopia

At least 10 people were killed in a traffic accident on the road between Jakjaka and Shabelle region of Somali state in Ethiopia.

According to received reports, a car collided with a passenger bus, killing 10 people and injuring 12 others, some of them in serious condition.

The authorities in the Somali region described the incident as one of the worst incidents in the region, highlighting the tragic nature of this disaster.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Infection repel Al-Shabaab in more Bakool

Infection repel Al-Shabaab in more Bakool

Somali forces repelled an attack by Al-Shabaab fighters on a military base on the outskirts of the city of Wajid in Bakool District, southwestern Somalia.

According to received reports, violent clashes with various types of weapons between the forces and the attackers continued for several hours, resulting in casualties on both sides.

According to received reports, violent clashes with various types of weapons between the forces and the attackers continued for several hours, resulting in casualties on both sides.

For its part, Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack that targeted the military base in Wajid, without mentioning the resulting losses.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Deaths and injuries in the explosion of a bus carrying civilians in the Lower Shabelle region

Deaths and injuries in the explosion of a bus carrying civilians in the Lower Shabelle region

At least 10 civilians were killed yesterday, Friday, when a landmine exploded on the bus they were on board in an agricultural area in the Lower Shabelle region, south of the capital, Mogadishu.

The minibus, which was coming from the city of Qoryoley and heading to the capital, Mogadishu, was exposed to a landmine explosion near the town of “Shalanbud” in the Lower Shabelle region, killing ten civilians and wounding others.

So far, no party has claimed responsibility for the attack, but the governor of the Lower Shabelle region, Mohamed Ibrahim, confirmed that the Al-Shabaab movement loyal to Al-Qaeda is behind it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The head of the intelligence service was killed in the city of Qaryouli in an ambush by Al-Shabaab fighters

The head of the intelligence service was killed in the city of Qaryouli in an ambush by Al-Shabaab fighters

Yesterday, Tuesday, the head of the intelligence service in Qaryoul, Othman Hassan Abdi, was killed in an ambush on his convoy on the outskirts of the city of Qaryoul in the Lower Shabelle region.

Reports indicated that the attack carried out by Al-Shabaab fighters resulted in the killing of the intelligence official and three of his bodyguards.

It is noteworthy that the Al-Shabaab movement, which is linked to Al-Qaeda, is active in the Lower Shabelle and Middle Shabelle regions adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu, and launches attacks from time to time on Somali officials and government and African forces.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Nearly 100 Al-Shabaab members killed in central Somalia

Nearly 100 Al-Shabaab members killed in central Somalia

The Somali National Army Command provided more details about an operation in an area in the south of Mudug Region, in central Somalia, where ongoing clashes are taking place between the army and Al-Shabaab fighters.

Army forces carried out the operation, which was a combination of air and ground strikes, near the “Jih Jika” area, where Al-Shabaab had dug defensive trenches.

The Somali National Army said in a statement issued: About 100 militants were killed in the operation, and a car carrying a number of Al-Shabaab leaders was destroyed.

The statement added: “In the coming days, the operation will end in the Mudug region, and all terrorists will be removed from the places they now control.”

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Somalia: An air strike kills 26 Al-Shabaab members in the center of the country

Somalia: An air strike kills 26 Al-Shabaab members in the center of the country

Official Somali media announced on Sunday that 26 members of the Al-Shabaab movement, including a leader, were killed in an air strike in the Mudug region of Galmudug state in central Somalia.

The official media said that the joint operation, which was carried out in cooperation with international partners, targeted militant sites in the region.

The Somali army succeeded in neutralizing more than 50 militants in the same area after the area witnessed violent clashes between fighters linked to Al-Qaeda and allied forces during the last hours

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Bombing Al-Shabaab sites in Mudug region

Bombing Al-Shabaab sites in Mudug region

Reports received from the Mudug region of Galmudug state in the center of the country indicated the bombing of Al-Shabaab movement sites located between the cities of “Aad” and “Amara” in the region.

Reports added that local residents heard explosions in the targeted areas, which include caves and forests where Al-Shabaab fighters are hiding.

A brief statement by the Somali government confirmed that the bombing targeted the Tamr Madu area and that it led to the death of Al-Shabaab fighters, without specifying numbers.

The southern regions of Mudug region have long witnessed military operations involving Somali government forces and local militias, and the allied forces have achieved major victories, as they are close to liberating the entire region from fighters.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

The United States Army expressed its position but the conflict is between Somalia and Ethiopia

The United States Army expressed its position but the conflict is between Somalia and Ethiopia

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that the US government is concerned about the crisis in the Horn of Africa region.

Miller said, in response to a question about the agreement reached by Ethiopia and Somaliland and the resulting crisis, that we call on all parties to resolve the matter diplomatically.

He added: “We have watched the news, we are concerned, and we join other partners in expressing our deep concern about the tension in the Horn of Africa.”

Miller called on all stakeholders to participate in diplomatic negotiations, stressing that the United States government recognizes the independence and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia within its 1960 borders.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Egypt stresses the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty over its lands

Egypt stresses the need to respect Somalia’s sovereignty over its lands

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 3, the Arab Republic of Egypt stressed the necessity of full respect for the unity and sovereignty of the sisterly Federal Republic of Somalia over all its lands, and its opposition to any measures that would undermine Somali sovereignty, stressing the right of Somalia and its people alone to benefit from With his resources.

The Arab Republic of Egypt has appreciated the danger of the increase in official movements, procedures and statements issued by countries in the region and outside it, which undermine the factors of stability in the Horn of Africa region, and increase tensions between its countries, at a time when the African continent is witnessing an increase in conflicts and disputes that require concerted efforts from In order to contain it and deal with its repercussions, instead of fueling it irresponsibly.

The Arab Republic of Egypt stressed the need to respect the objectives of the Constitutive Law of the African Union, including defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of member states, and the principles of the Union, which stipulate the necessity of respecting the existing borders upon achieving independence and not interfering with any member state in the internal affairs of another state.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Two members of Al-Shabaab surrender to the Somali army

Two members of Al-Shabaab surrender to the Somali army

Two Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab fighters surrendered to Somali forces in Bakool district, southwestern Somalia.

Mohamed Ibrahim, 22 years old, and Adam Ishaq, 21 years old, defected from Al-Shabaab after making contact with the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency team in the region.

It is expected that the two men will be transferred to a rehabilitation center in the city of Baidoa or the Somali capital, Mogadishu, according to received reports.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Assassination of leaders and members of the Al-Shabaab movement

Leaders and members of the Al-Shabaab movement

The Somali government announced the names of two Al-Shabaab leaders who were killed in a bombing in the Lower Shabelle region of southwestern Somalia.

A press release issued by the Ministry of Information in the Federal Government, on Sunday, stated that the first operation was carried out in the “Nun-Gari” area in the Lower Shabelle region and led to the death of Omrani Mohamed Mallaq, who was the leader of the Al-Shabaab movement in the “Bariri” region in the region. The second operation resulted in the killing of Saber, who was responsible for extorting farmers.

The statement indicated that 7 Al-Shabaab fighters were killed in a joint operation by government forces and their international partners near the “Ad” area in Mudug region of Galmudug state, and added that the Somali government is determined, in cooperation with the people and its friends, to eliminate Al-Shabaab.