Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The AMISOM Force Commander visits wounded UPDF soldiers in hospital

Commander of the African Union Mission forces

The African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Force Commander, General Souef Sam Okeding, visited Ugandan soldiers injured in the recent attack on the Forward Operating Base at Bolumrere in the Lower Shabelle region of South West State.

Gen. Okeding commended the soldiers for their bravery in fighting Al-Shabaab fighters, wishing them a speedy recovery and also offering a cable of condolence to the relatives and friends of those who died during the attack.

On May 29, 2023, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, strongly condemned the recent attack on the base of the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (AMTSOM) staffed by Ugandan peacekeepers and renewed his call for the international community to support the mission and the Somali security forces in their fight against violent extremism.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

6 civilians from one family were killed in the bombing of the Ugandan bow in the Ugandan Shabelle region


Ugandan forces

6 civilians from one family were killed as a result of shelling by the Ugandan forces on an area in Lower Shabelle, in the state of southwestern Somalia.

Reports indicate that the Ugandan forces stationed in the Ambariso area, located on the outskirts of the city of Barawi, the administrative capital of Southwest State, fired mortar shells at the town of “Mdel-Barawi”.

The reports added that one of the shells hit a residential house, killing six children from one family and injuring others.

This painful incident comes in the aftermath of the attack launched by the Somali Islamic Youth Movement last Friday on a military base for Ugandan peacekeepers in “Bolumerere”, which caused casualties among the Ugandan forces participating in the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Somali intelligence announces the surrender of a high-ranking Al-Shabaab leader

Senior leader of the youth movement

Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency has announced the surrender of a senior leader from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab movement.

The agency indicated that Abd al-Rahman Muallem Ahmed, who had been a member of al-Shabaab for 16 years and held various positions in the group, defected and surrendered to the Somali government.

She added that Ahmed, who is known within the group as Abu Saed, was the judge of the youth movement in Banadir province and the advisor to the late leader of the group, Ahmed Abdi Godani

but the agency did not reveal the place where this dissident leader surrendered. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

30 Al-Shabaab fighters were killed in the Lower Shabelle region

Somali forces

Somali security forces, along with international partners, launched an air and ground offensive targeting area in the Lower Shabelle region of Southwest State on Friday, killing 30 Al-Shabaab fighters.

According to government media, the joint forces carried out the planned operation in 4 villages belonging to the town of “Kentwari” in the Lower Shabelle region, adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu.

Public media (state-owned) confirmed that the attack came in response to the movement's fighters attacking a military base run by African Union forces from Uganda in the agricultural town of "Polumerere", located 110 km south of Mogadishu.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

America expands its scope against Somali travel incidents

youth movement


The US State Department announced the designation of five Al-Shabaab leaders to the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists pursuant to Executive Order No. 13224, as amended.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said, in a statement published by the ministry on its website, today, Thursday, that the United States continues to support Somalia and its other partners in East Africa in their efforts to disrupt the operations of Al-Shabaab.

He stressed that confronting one of the most dangerous organizations affiliated with Al-Qaeda, which has caused the deaths of thousands, including US citizens, in Somalia and various parts of East Africa, remains a joint priority with the Somali government.

In its statement, the US State Department stated that the five leaders are: Maksamid Seydo, Kali Yari, Maksamid Daoud Japan, Suleiman Kabadi Daoud and Muhammad Omar Muhammad, for their involvement in a series of attacks that targeted civilians.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Kenyan police thwart a terrorist attack in a border area

Kenyan police

 Kenyan police announced on Tuesday that they had thwarted a terrorist attack in an area located on the eastern border with Somalia.

Police spokeswoman Raisila Onyango said a security team confiscated 6 AK47s, 2 rocket-propelled grenades, 2 grenades and other items during an operation on Monday in Kenya's northeastern Garsa county.

Police have raided an al-Shabaab camp following reports that the terrorist group has been sending its members to Kenya over the past month to launch attacks.

Al-Shabaab, linked to Al Qaeda, has been carrying out attacks against civilian and military targets in Kenya, particularly in Mandera, Wojir and Garsa counties in eastern Kenya.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The United States announces the presence of a leader in the Al-Shabaab movement in an air strike it carried out in southern Somalia

Air raid

The United States of America indicated that one of the leaders of the Al-Shabaab movement was injured in an air strike carried out by its drones in the town of Jilib in the Middle Juba region in southern Somalia.

"After a comprehensive battle damage assessment, the United States assesses that one of the Al-Shabaab commanders was injured as a result of the operation," said Lt. Timothy Petrak, a spokesman for the US Africa Command, AFRICOM.

Petrak did not reveal the name of the al-Shabaab leader who was wounded in the raid, which took place on May 20 in the town of Jilib, a stronghold of al-Shabaab, 385 km from the capital, Mogadishu.

The strike came while Mohd Salad, the director of Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency, was on a visit to the United States to meet with US officials from the Pentagon, the CIA and the FBI, according to a source familiar with the visit who did not wish to be identified.

Monday, May 22, 2023

4 Somali soldiers were killed when an explosive device exploded in Mogadishu

At least 4 Somali government soldiers were killed and 3 others were wounded today, Monday, when an explosive device exploded in the capital, Mogadishu.

Eyewitnesses reported that an explosive device was planted on the side of the road, targeting a military vehicle that was traveling in a street in the “Dinili” district.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, which bore the hallmarks of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab movement.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Somali forces announce the death of a prominent leader in the Al-Shabaab movement and the arrest of others

Somali army

Somali forces announced the death of Mahd Agdoub, a leader who was working as an official in the movement's zakat department in several villages in Galgaduud province, during an operation carried out on Saturday.

According to a report by the Somali National Television, the movement's fighters launched an attack on the Somali army, prompting Agdoub to try to flee. However, after running for 3 km, he had a heart attack and died from a bullet that hit him.

He added that the operation, which was carried out by the forces in the Tawfiq area, 15 km north of the town of “Gilad,” led to the arrest of 4 Al-Shabaab members.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Al-Shabaab attacks a base of African forces in Bakool province

youth movement

Reports from the city of Wajid in the Bakool region of southwestern Somalia indicated that fighters from the Al-Shabaab movement launched an attack on a base of the Ethiopian forces affiliated with the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia.

The reports added that the two sides used different types of weapons in confrontations that lasted for about an hour, resulting in undisclosed losses.

The Ethiopian forces, backed by the forces of the state of southwestern Somalia, carried out combing operations in the region after the fighting, and the latest reports indicated that calm had returned to the area that witnessed the fighting and that it was under the control of the allied forces.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Somalia expels workers from the European Union

Somali government

The Somali federal government has expelled two European Union employees for allegedly taking illegal photographs of prisoners in a detention centre.

The Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, in a brief statement broadcast by the Somali national television, that it had taken the decision after receiving a request from the Somali Attorney General, Suleiman Mohamed Mahmoud, to expel the employees from the country.

The ministry pointed out that the Polish, Jask Josef Ochman, and the German Ralph Bernhard Gillig violated the laws and rules of the country, and accused them of interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia.

And the Somali government asked the Union to remove the two employees who were working in the European Union Capacity-Building Mission in Somalia from the country within 72 hours.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Security forces carry out operations in parts of Mogadishu

Somali army

Yesterday, Somali police forces, elements of the National Intelligence and Security Agency, and paramilitary forces carried out operations in the Haden and Huludagh districts of the capital, Mogadishu, amid strict security measures.

The officers who led the joint operation told the media that hundreds of suspected youths had been arrested, but after lengthy investigations, most of them were released, except for two men suspected of belonging to the youth movement and five others who were involved in drug trafficking and abuse.

It should be noted that the capital, Mogadishu, has recently witnessed a remarkable security improvement. According to the government, Al-Shabaab attacks decreased by 70%, after special military police forces were assigned to secure the city.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

An agreement between the Somali and Kenyan governments to open border crossings between the two countries

Somali and Kenyan government

A high-level meeting was held on Monday in Nairobi, Kenya between the foreign, defense and security ministers of the Somali and Kenyan governments, during which several issues of mutual interest were discussed.

In the meeting, the two sides discussed issues such as opening the borders between the two countries, facilitating flights, and trade and security cooperation. Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali “Dudshi,” Minister of Security in the Somali government, indicated that an important agreement was concluded with the Kenyan side.

"We agreed to open the border crossings in Balad Hawah, Mandera, Dobleyi, Liboye, Ras Kamboni and Kiunga within 90 days," the minister said, adding that officials of the two governments also discussed facilitating Somalis' access to entry visas to Kenya within 30 days to remove the suffering of Somalis wishing to enter Kenyan territory. .

"Starting today, we have decided to open the borders between Kenya and Somalia in several stages within 90 days, and the borders will be opened in the first stage within 30 days," said Kenyan Interior Minister Kethuri Kindiki.

Monday, May 15, 2023

President Hassan Sheikh bids farewell to forces participating in the war against Al-Shabaab

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, bid farewell to General Jordan's camp in Mogadishu, units of the national army that will participate in the war against Al-Shabaab.

In a speech he delivered before those forces, which was a mixture of directives, encouragement and praise, the President of the Republic indicated the hope of the government and people of Somalia to complete the struggle that has reached its final stages to liberate the country from terrorism, and urged the forces to maintain the behavior and laws of the army to ensure the confidence and support of the Somali people.

The president also alluded to the successive successes of the armed forces in the war, pointing out that the government is running two historical plans based on eliminating terrorism on the one hand, and building the national army on the other.

Finally, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a private meeting with the senior officers commanding the forces who assured the President of their determination to liberate the Somali people from the enemy that crippled their lives, demonstrating the sacrifices and courage for which the Somali Army is famous.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Two officers were injured in an armed Mandera ambush

Somali army car

 Mandera - An attack carried out by suspected Al-Shabaab militants injured two police officers early Friday morning.

The police said that two attackers opened fire on the convoy from both sides of the road, which led to the injury of a police officer with minor injuries in the palm of her right hand, and another policeman was wounded by gunshot wounds in his legs.

The convoy carrying 25 police officers was on its way from Nairobi to Mandera when the ambush occurred in the Isakura district of Mandera, about 10 kilometers south of Ramu town along the Ramu-Ilwak highway.

It should be noted that the Somali-based extremist Islamic group continues to pose a constant threat to the stability of the Horn of Africa, particularly in the northeastern regions of Kenya bordering Somalia.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Somalia and its partners in the war on terror

youth movement

President Sheikh Mahmoud's recent conversation with citizens during his plenary session with them about the military support he requested from neighboring countries, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti, to participate in the war against Al-Shabaab, an illustration of the importance of the role of regional and international partners in confronting the forces of violence and terrorism, in a way that does not detract from the sovereignty of The country, especially since he indicated that his government is the one that has the power to direct operations, and that this cooperation is linked to a specific period of ninety days.

During the last period, the Somali authorities have done a good job in confronting and confronting the phenomenon of terrorism, and have made great efforts in chasing down its elements and restoring a large number of lands that were under the control of its violent groups. These are continuous efforts over long periods during which the Somali people were paying a huge and expensive bill, due to the enormity of the events

However, these efforts did not bear fruit clearly until recently, and he would not have achieved what he has achieved on the ground in his war on terrorism had it not been for the international support and the material and moral support that he was getting, which Somalia was in urgent need of and still is in order to successfully complete his mission. Terrorism is a global phenomenon that is not confined to a country or continent, but has become an epidemic spreading in various countries of the world

The positive political developments in Somalia have been reflected in the development of its relations with the countries of the world and the building of a wall of international confidence in the capabilities of the Somali administration and its ability to take charge and take wise and correct decisions to overcome chronic crises with determination and persistence based on the spirit of teamwork from all institutions operating in the country.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Somalia.. Hundreds of families were displaced from the city of Beledweyne due to the flooding of the Shabelle River

Shabelle River


The Shabelle River has flooded several places and villages belonging to the city of Baldwin, capital of Hiran Governorate, central Somalia, since Tuesday, and has caused damage to many neighborhoods of the city that suffered from massive floods years ago, and displaced hundreds of thousands of people from the city.

And the mayor of Baldwin, Omar Othman Also, said that the Shabelle River overflowed last night on some of the four neighborhoods that make up the city.

He added, "The city administration worked to build many dams and barriers to prevent water from reaching the city's residents, but the water level was more than expected and exceeded the dams."Omar also confirmed that the water that flooded the city did not cause great losses, but it flooded some neighborhoods and markets

He added that hundreds of families were displaced from the city due to the flood, indicating that the city administration is making efforts to deal with the flood of the Shabelle River and help those affected. The head of the Flood Control Committee in Baldwin warned last Monday of the possibility of flooding in the city due to the increased water flow from the Shabelle River in Ethiopia and the spring rains in Ethiopia.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education reveals the date of the general secondary exams

High school students


The Ministry of Education and Higher Education of the Federal Government of Somalia has announced the date for the National Secondary School Examination across the country, and it will be on May 27, 2023.

The Ministry urged students, parents, teachers, and school principals to prepare for the exam in the remaining few days with happiness and optimism!

Everyone remembers that the federal government organizes the matriculation examination in May every year!  The exam takes place in all governorates of Somalia except for Puntland and Somaliland.

Good luck and success to all Somali students in their exams

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Thwarting a terrorist attack on the Peace Park in Mogadishu

Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA)

  Peace Garden in Mogadishu is a popular spot for civilians to relax on Thursdays and Fridays. Thanks to the efforts of NISA, a terrorist cell plotting the attack was dismantled on May 6th, with explosive vests and a tuk-tuk vehicle seized.

 A statement issued by the Somali Ministry of Information stated that a force from the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency managed, on the 6th of May, to dismantle a terrorist cell that was planning an attack on the Peace Park.

The official statement added that the forces succeeded in seizing explosive vests and a tuk-tuk, which the cell was planning to enter in the Peace Park to carry out the attack.

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Somali army announces the arrest of 3 youth leaders

somail army

 The Somali army announced an air movement in military areas in the Galgudud region of Galmudug state, central Somalia.

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The Somali army has reached the Somali army.